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Definition of Sports Psychology
Before collecting the information about the Sports Psychology we should have the knowledge of general psychology the definition is given below read and understand  .


The study of human behavior, mental processes, and its relationship is called psychology.
The word psychology has been derived from the two Greek words “Psyche” means “Soul” and “Logos” means “Science” or “Study of”.

 In the starting Psychology was defined as “Science of Soul” and after that defined as “Science of the mind” because it deals with the processes like thinking, imaging and reasoning etc  finally  it was defined as “Science of human behavior”.

What is Sports Psychology

In 1996, the European Federation of sports psychology (FEPSAC) produced such a broad definition that “Sports psychology is the study of the psychological basis, processes and the effect of sport”.


Before getting knowledge about the Physical Education as Profession we should know that what the definition of profession is a learned occupation that requires training in a specialized field of study.

A profession possesses the following characteristics

  • A complex systematic body of knowledge.
  • Individual who have attained extensive knowledge and experience through a formal educational process.
  • Mechanisms and opportunities for growth and development within the field to ensure adherence to established, competencies and practices.
  • Providing a socially valuable service that has received societal recognition and status.
  • Governance by a code of ethics to protect those served.

Physical education professionals (Physical Educator, Exercise, and sports scientists)

  • They must possess at least Bachelor’s degree
  • They must have advanced study and training  in an extensive body of knowledge frequently that takes considerable time and effort to learn.
  • They have to share research finding and ideas of their fields while serving the people.
Physical Education as Profession

The focus and major aims of physical education are to develop the vigorous, skilled and healthy individual body. It's basic information very important to know for every person especially it is necessary for P.E teacher and students.

This program is to enhance the working capability alertness trained sound mind and its efficiency. At the same time, we bring up the attribute of the healthy life and conduct and present the healthy person to the society.
P.E creates the mental, spiritual effectiveness through the different physical activities training program.

Foundation of Physical Education

Physical education programs eliminate or minimize the following things from the body
  • Disease
  • Poverty
  • Frustration
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Loneliness
  • Desperation
  • Hardship
  • Disappointment

Physical education programs develop and enhance the following qualities into a human being.
  • Obedience
  • Emotional security
  • Understanding
  • Accomplishment
  • Achievement
  • Love
  • Rendered to services and respects
  • Allowed to exercise potentialities
  • Honor for dignity and worth of the human being
  • Create the qualities of equality
  • Patience
  • Sincerity

P.E is the men’s health developing social science program. It is fast growing and advance discipline throughout the globe. This is also a health developing and keeping physically fit and strong discipline of study. According to the all above definition and information, we can say that Physical education programs help to improve the overall growth and development of human being.

Term Physical Education

The term physical education consists of two words Physical and Education so it is essential to know the meaning and intention of these words because these are foundational words and total theme of the subject focus on this physical education term.

The word physical has been derived from the French language word Physique that means Body and the word Education derived from the Greek Language word Educere , Educare Which means to  develop, to bring up , to grow  and  the literary or complete  mean of the Physical education is the development of the body. P.E endeavors to affect and modify positively the development of personality through the medium of physical activity. 

physical education definition

Definition of Physical Education is given by various scholars

According to the various scholars ‘point of views as they express about the physical education discipline.

P.E is the sum of those experiences, which come to the individual through movement.

P.E is that field of education which deals with the big muscles activities and their related responses.
(jay .b.nash).

P.E is the sum of man’s physical activities as to kind and conducted as to outcomes.  
J.F Williams

P.E is an integral part of the total education process and as its aim the development of physically, mentally,emotionally and socially fit citizens through the medium of physical activities, which have been selected with a view to realizing these outcomes.
Charles A Bucher

P.E is the social process of change in the behavior of the human organism, primarily from the stimulus of social big muscles play and related activities.
C.C. Cowell

P.E is the sum of the physical, intellectual, emotional, behavioral and social development of the genders by an organized program of physical activities. This program provides the complete development of man and women.

If we raise a question that "what is the physical education ?" Generally in the simple word we can say that the study of the total development of the body is called physical education.

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Hi I am M.Ali and I am an student of education blogging and web-development is my hobby.

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