

Before getting knowledge about the Physical Education as Profession we should know that what the definition of profession is a learned occupation that requires training in a specialized field of study.

A profession possesses the following characteristics

  • A complex systematic body of knowledge.
  • Individual who have attained extensive knowledge and experience through a formal educational process.
  • Mechanisms and opportunities for growth and development within the field to ensure adherence to established, competencies and practices.
  • Providing a socially valuable service that has received societal recognition and status.
  • Governance by a code of ethics to protect those served.

Physical education professionals (Physical Educator, Exercise, and sports scientists)

  • They must possess at least Bachelor’s degree
  • They must have advanced study and training  in an extensive body of knowledge frequently that takes considerable time and effort to learn.
  • They have to share research finding and ideas of their fields while serving the people.
Physical Education as Profession

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