Term Physical Education
The term physical education consists of two words Physical and Education so it is essential to know the meaning and intention of these words because these are foundational words and total theme of the subject focus on this physical education term.
The word physical has been derived from the French language word Physique that means Body and the word Education derived from the Greek Language word Educere , Educare Which means to develop, to bring up , to grow and the literary or complete mean of the Physical education is the development of the body. P.E endeavors to affect and modify positively the development of personality through the medium of physical activity.
Definition of Physical Education is given by various scholars
According to the various scholars ‘point of views as they express about the physical education discipline.
P.E is the sum of those experiences, which come to the individual through movement.
P.E is that field of education which deals with the big muscles activities and their related responses.
(jay .b.nash).
P.E is the sum of man’s physical activities as to kind and conducted as to outcomes.
J.F Williams
P.E is an integral part of the total education process and as its aim the development of physically, mentally,emotionally and socially fit citizens through the medium of physical activities, which have been selected with a view to realizing these outcomes.
Charles A Bucher
P.E is the social process of change in the behavior of the human organism, primarily from the stimulus of social big muscles play and related activities.
C.C. Cowell
P.E is the sum of the physical, intellectual, emotional, behavioral and social development of the genders by an organized program of physical activities. This program provides the complete development of man and women.
If we raise a question that "what is the physical education ?" Generally in the simple word we can say that the study of the total development of the body is called physical education.